Water Tower ...

The Hamburger Water Tower is an economic development opportunity that stands to benefit Western New York. Tourism in Erie County has been more than a $1.8 billion industry, our 5th largest employment sector, and saves us nearly $600 per household in tax relief (Tourism Matters, 2019, Visit Buffalo Niagara). Millions of drivers will drive by what is now a rusted blue water tower, cited as having the worst-house-on-the-street look.” Bold black lettering reading “Town of Hamburg” on this neglected landmark markets neither Hamburg nor Western New York in a positive way. And yet, theme painted water towers exist all across the United States, drawing tourists who visit them.
“If we paint it…
They will come!”

Hamburg, the Birthplace of the Burger
Other communities around the country may have a beef with this, but we know the hamburger was invented right here in Hamburg, NY. It happened in the 1880’s, just two miles up South Park Avenue at the Erie County Fairgrounds.
Frank and Charles Menches from Akron, Ohio traveled the nation selling food at county fairs. In 1885, at what was then the Hamburg Fair, their sausage patties were a big hit. When they ran out of food, a trip to local Hamburg butcher Stein’s Meat Market created a pork predicament. It was too hot for the local butcher to cut a pig for more sausage, but he did have plenty of ground beef to offer. So they took the beef, and relished the chance to create something new.
The Menches Brothers formed the beef into patties, and sensing the need to spice it up, added ingredients such as brown sugar and even coffee. They served it on two pieces of bread. When fairgoers lined up, they asked “What is this called?”.
Looking up at a banner marking the location, Frank Menches said…“The Hamburger!”
Since 1985, Hamburg has celebrated its place in food folklore with the annual Burgerfest, celebrated right here on the streets of the Village of Hamburg.